
Wooooooo school holidays is over. Haaa OVER!-.-' Sekejapnya rasa 2minggu cuti. Harini dah Ahad. Esok Isnin. First thing yg teringat pasal hari Isnin is result. Ya ya ya~ Result!! Oi takut gila mak ai, tak payah ckp ah :c I'm just cant imagine result tu macam mana. Ok tunggu je ah balik another 2weeks kalau nak tau whats le result, hope there's A. Please. Hm nak A tapi belajar haritu macam apaT.T Aaaaaaa >.< Takut sangat hm. Dah enough pasal sekolah :-p hahahahaha. 

K now serious mood*cough* I miss him. So bad. Wanna meet him. I wish we can someday. Well, we like erm having a long distance relationship. EH? Yaaa I think so. Dia jauh. Act not too far :'3 Our distance makes us hard to meet. K kira jauh ah jugak en x') Lol haha. I love him. I miss him. Please know this boyfriend. Sayang, I'll be loyal to you. Please trust me. I love you and miss you so much. Please take care there. 

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Falling for a person♡

Yes, after almost 4months I been single and waiting for le right person to came. 6June was the day. Well I still remember on 27thMay we had our first conversation at Facebook chat :') And 6June was also the day I met him. Our very first met. There's so much thing happened that day. Love 6June2012~~ Fauzan Kamaruzzaman
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6 June 2012


I had such a very good day on 6 June 2012 yes that is yesterday, Wednesday and I wish that 6 June 2012 can be everyday in mah beautiful life. Rasanya hari Rabu mmg dah terkenal sangat time cuti. Rabu is the Kids Days Out. Lol. Jumpa ayat tu dekat Twitter so ni kira copy paste ah. Asal? Tak boleh? Eleh, ayat camtu pun nak berkira. Puii apa ah sangat*muka kerek* Haha k enough enough. Kalau diteruskan kang lain yang jadi.

Last Wednesday I went out with mah friends and I met new friends too. I had so much fun with 'em. First thing I met HIM. Yes HIM. HIM. Again, HIM. Fauzan Kamaruzzaman. I met him!!! Wuuuuu~ Ya Allah, I'm so thankful cause gv me this opportunity, to met him :') Everything were planned. K at first I thought that kitorang tak jumpa that day, mama dia tak bagi lah apa lah yes he gave me soooo many excuses. Mmg frust ah en ceritanya. 

Pagi before gerak tu pun kitorang text as usual sebab kononnya dia tak pergi lah en hahaha. Serious tak tipu diorang pandai! Text punya text, sampai dekat mana tah dia start tak reply. K dah ah dia tak pergi then tak text uiiii cedih angat dowwww :'/ Fine, redha je time tu. Gerak pi monorail dengan Harraz, then sampai Ts jumpa Diba and Mus. Time tu cari cari gak kot kot ke en dia ada hahahahaha nampak tak gatal kita dekat situ? K dah diam xD Pastu pergi survey movie. Done. Jalan jalan~~ then met Iela xx This new friend. Masa beli tiket wayang tu erm diorang booked utk 6seats tapi that time yang ada just 4ppls. And I'm wondering that time... who's the other two?? After that baru kita tau yang 2 other ppls was Fauzan and his brother Farhan. 

He came. And I didnt knw it. He suprised me. And I'm speechless. Almost cry. And I'm so clumsy that time. 
This is all because of him :') Thanks to him. For came. My very first time met him. I'm so happy. So so happy! 

Then nak balik kita 'Ukur jalan' KL dengan diorang hahaha. K ukur jalan tu mummy selalu guna kalau kita pergi Jalan TAR. Sebab nak kena jalan jauh en haa thats y ah UKUR JALAN x) again tersasar-.-' Eish payah betul aku ni nak focus ihihi cowie ahhhhhh :* haa tu upah. 

Ya Allah. Banyak sgt rasa nak tulis but tak larat dah ffuuuuuu~ cowie :3 Do enjoy this post. 
Love ya :-) Assalamualaikum. #NoPicturesSorry

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